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Chart Preferences

Eaglesoft - Chart Preferences
Applies to: Eaglesoft, Clinical Module, All Versions

Solution : Click the + or the header to expand the section.

Eaglesoft's Practice Management program is customizable to fit the needs of your practice. Many of the settings you can customize are in the Practice Management Preferences menu accessed from File | Preferences .

Any preference marked with an Asterisk* are workstation specific and will not affect the entire office. If you wish to apply the same settings to your entire office, you will have to make the same changes on each Eaglesoft Preference screen or use the preference copy utility to apply to all network computers.

Warning: Altering the preferences will change the way the software operates. Please be sure you have discussed this with the office and/or doctor before making any changes to the preferences.

Show These Chart Items by Default

These Chart Items will show in the chart ledger even if they are unchecked. However, if Apply To Chart Ledger is checked then the items selected will be the only ones showing in the ledger.

Override Custom is used to restore the default chart display settings. Show These Perio Items by Default

Select which Perio Charting items will display on patient's restorative chart.

Miscellaneous Options

Use Colors on Ledger


Preview Status

This window allows you to preview the color / hatch setup. The teeth will be previewed in the upper right of the preference screen.

Summary Surface Setup

  • To change designations, select the summary surface you wish to edit and then select or deselect detailed surfaces to associate or disassociate them with the summary surface.
  • Each detailed surface can only be part of one summary surface.


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    9804.Rev008 12.29.2020