If you are retaking the bar exam, consider applying for ReBar 2021. More information and application can be found here (here should link to If you are retaking the bar exam, consider applying for ReBar 2021. More information and an application can be found here .
July 2022 OMLA Bar Exam Grant applications are now available through April 17, the application is available here . Each grant award consists of stipend of $800 to be used for expenses associated with preparing to take the bar exam as well as a reimbursement of the $750 admissions application fee.
If you have questions about the OMLA Bar Exam Grant program or about the application process, please contact Suji Patel at the Oregon Minority Lawyers Association: sujatapatel@gmail.com or Suraya Barbee at sbarbee@osbar.org . -->
Applicants for July 2019 bar exam
The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine this list and bring to the board�s attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Troy Wood, Admissions Manager, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd, PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935.
Results of the July bar exam will be available on September 20, 2024 at 2pm.
Results will be posted on this website, and physically posted at the OSB Center and the Oregon Supreme Court. All successful and eligible exam applicants will be sent detailed information on the admission ceremony, bar membership, and the New Lawyer Mentoring Program along with other relevant information via their secure user portal.
The first opportunity for July 2024 examinees to submit an Oath of Office will be at the Fall Admission Ceremony, which will take place at 1:30 PM on Thursday, October 10, 2024 in Smith Auditorium on the main campus of Willamette University Main in Salem, Oregon (across the street from the Law School). You are welcome to bring your family and friends! The ceremony is open to everyone. The State Court Administrator and Oregon State Bar personnel will be at the auditorium to assist you with completing and filing your oath beginning at approximately 11:45 A.M. Representatives from the Professional Liability Fund, New Lawyers Division, and Oregon Women Lawyers Foundation will also be on hand to answer questions and provide information.
If you cannot attend the admissions ceremony, you may complete the oath online and mail it to the Oregon Supreme Court after the ceremony. Please note the court will NOT accept your oath prior to Thursday, October 10, 2024. The Supreme Court's mailing address is 1163 State St. Salem, OR 97301. Map of Willamette Campus and the Oath of Office form.
Please contact the office of the Board of Bar Examiners with any questions.
The February exam application will be available in early October. The timely filing deadline is Friday, November 15, 2024. Once the application is available you will be able to access it here . If the link is not accessible the application is not yet active, please check back soon.
Applicants for February 2021 Bar Exam
The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine this list and bring to the board's attention in a signed letter any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Send correspondence to Admissions Director, Oregon State Board of Bar Examiners, 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd., PO Box 231935, Tigard, OR 97281-1935.
February 2022 OMLA Bar Exam Grant applications are now available through November 21 the application is available here . Each grant award consists of stipend of $800 to be used for expenses associated with preparing to take the bar exam as well as a reimbursement of the $750 admissions application fee.
If you are a graduate of a foreign law school, and you are applying under Rule 3.05(3), your law school must be evaluated to determine if it is equivalent to a law school that is accredited by the American Bar Association.
Please contact one of the following third party credential evaluators to have your law degree evaluated:
A2Z Evaluations at: https://www.a2zeval.com
International Consultants of Delaware at: https://www.icdeval.com/
Education Research Foundation at: https://ierf.org
Education Records Evaluation Service at: https://www.eres.com
SpanTran at: https://spantran.com/
Foundation for International Services at: https://www.fis-web.com
World Education Services at: https://www.wes.org
Some lawyers may be admitted without taking the bar examination. Each of these alternate routes has specific requirements which must be satisfied. Applicants are encouraged to review these rules carefully. Applicants for admission via an alternate route must still demonstrate good moral character pursuant to ORS 9.220.
All applicants for Comity Admission must take 15 credit hours of continuing legal education as approved by the Board.
Mandatory Subjects: At least two (2) credit hours must cover Legal Ethics (Oregon Code of Professional Responsibility) Four (4) credit hours must cover introductory Civil Procedure (Oregon State Court and United States District Court of Oregon local rules) At least three (3) hours must cover Oregon State Court civil procedure, emphasizing the unique aspects. Not more than one hour can be on United States District Court of Oregon local rules.
Elective Subjects: Nine (9) of the credit hours must be taken in one or more of the following subject fields emphasizing Oregon law, provided the credit hours have been accredited by the Oregon State Bar Minimum Continuing Legal Education Administrator. Oregon Administrative Law, Oregon Constitutional Law, Contracts, Corporations, Criminal Law and Procedure, Decendent's Estates, Oregon Domestic Relations, Employment Law, Evidence, Local Federal Court Practice and Procedure, Legal and Equitable Remedies, Oregon Legislation, Partnerships, Oregon Court Practice and Procedure, Real Property, Torts, Trusts, U.C.C. II - Sales, U.C.C. III - Negotiable Instruments/Commercial Paper, U.C.C. IX - Secured Transactions.
Pursuant to RFA 6.10, as part of an applicants character and fitness review, each applicants name must be published at least 45 days prior to admission. In compliance with this rule, below is a list of applicants who have applied for Comity, Score Transfer, House Counsel and SPPE admission. The link below includes a list of applicants who have applied for the administration of the Uniform Bar Examination in Oregon. The Board of Bar Examiners requests that members examine these lists and bring to the boards attention any information that might influence the board in considering the moral character of any applicant for admission. Please email correspondence to Admissions Department at admissions@osbar.org.
The following names will expire on Friday, September 6, 2024
Rita Alister, Quinn Brown, Christopher E. Byer, Emilia K. Cargill, Zachary M. Crosner, Bryan Davis, Matthew S. Granda, Bryant Hendriksen, Justine S. Hesselbart, Ryan M. Leong, Allyce C. Lindahl, Noah M. Mullin, Brian A. Park
The following names will expire on Friday, October 4, 2024:
Eri Andriola, Melissa M. Auchard-Scholz, Theresa C. Barfield, Carlos R. Diez-Arguelles, Careleta Eschenbacher, Danny Horen, Kristin Hunziker, Knut S. Johnson, Kate Joiner, Richard B. Jordan, Laura E. Krank, George M. Mavris, Geoffrey S. Maynor, Thomas P. McCurdy, Gregory P. Murphy, John M. Naylor, Dianne Schweiner, Daniel Shanley, David I. Stanish, Cynthia Vargas
The following names will expire on Friday, October 4, 2024:
Family Law Cohort
Meghan Aubuchon, Lia Bowman, Jason Bowen, Laurie Goode, Jesse Hutton, Joscelyn Johnson, Junoet Perkins, Kimberly A. Phinney, Isaac Blu Robinson, Mary Jo Stade, Lindsey Wilcox
Landlord-Tenant Cohort
The following names will expire on Friday, September 6, 2024:
Nicholas R. Bottcher, Fei H. Du, Slade J. Heggen, Sang Min Lim, Monica A. Nolan, Matthew T. Sonneby
The following names will expire on Friday, October 4, 2024:
Allison Adams, Laura Bradley-Hufford, Krystina S. Denos, Jakini Auset S. Ingram, Stephanie H. Ng, Frank D. Rivas, Vahid Sacirovic
The following names will expire on Friday, September 6, 2024:
Emily M. Artzberger, Donte Barker, Mathew Bekahi, Victor Benjamin, Alexander D. Bogage, Ashley C. Cottingham, Min Woo Chang, Musio Chavez, Carlos A. Contreras, Jermain A. Davis, Jacqueline deVilleneuve, Christa N. Doerbeck, Lauren E. Eldridge, Jennifer J. Esmay, Sina N. Farzaneh, Stephan M. Janakes, Kenneth W. Johnson, Stetson E. Kizzar, Craig J. Lindsey, Bailey B. McQueeny-Rose, Elijah C. Moon, Faith N. O'Malley, James L. Robinson, Jessica Sedano-Torres, Heidi M. Shultz, Eliyana Tadano, Jennifer R. Takos, Caitlin C. Tolleson
The following names will expire on Friday, September 6, 2024:
The following names will expire on Friday, October 4, 2024:
Landus Anderson, Sergio M. Quinose, Robert K. Temple
MCLE Rule 1.8 provides that a person is a new admittee from the date of initial admission as an active member of the Oregon State Bar through the end of his or her first reporting period.
MCLE Rule 3.3(b) provides that new admittees shall complete 15 credit hours of accredited CLE activity in the first reporting period after admission as an active member, including two credit hours in ethics, and ten credit hours in practical skills. One of the ethics credit hours must be devoted to Oregon ethics and professionalism and four of the ten credits in practical skills must be devoted to Oregon practice and procedure. New admittees must also complete a three credit hour OSB-approved introductory course in access to justice. The MCLE Program Manager may waive the practical skills requirement for a new admittee who has practiced law in another jurisdiction for three consecutive years immediately prior to the member’s admission in Oregon, in which event the new admittee must complete ten hours in other areas. After a new admittee’s first reporting period, the requirements in Rule 3.2(a) shall apply.